Week 6

Week 6 was focused on Cinemachines and good-looking third-person cameras, touching lightly on post-processing effects.

 To start off with, a stationary camera that was always looking at the player.

These cameras have 2 attributes that are especially important. Look at and follow. This camera was only told to look at the player, not to follow. 

Alternatively, the first camera in this gif was told to do both! Along with some other adjustments to make the game less conducive to motion-sickness. 

The second camera is stationary, just like the first one. The transition between the two is a fun addition using triggers and Cinemachine's own scripts. 

Post processing was also very exciting, allowing for effects like bloom and colour correction at runtime. 

A darkness effect is triggered when the player enters this space, and stops as soon as they leave it, much like the camera above. 

I also produced this excessive effect using bloom, grain, and chromatic aberration. These effects are very good in moderation! 

This is the last devlog for this project, next we begin making our group games. See you then!

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