Week 5

This week was all about lighting and Shadergraph, an easy way to make your game look good as long as you know what you're doing. 

We started with baked lighting. This is the lighting that comes built into the game, like a very convincing texture. It does not interact with anything that moves, and generally looks better than any lights calculated while the game is running. 

Following Brackeys' wonderful tutorial I made a very bright scene with baked lighting. 

And then a slightly more reasonable one. 

Due to updates with post-processing in regards to bloom, this scene unfortunately still looks a little lacking. 

Then we followed another of Brackeys' tutorials, this time for Shadergraph. 

Then a tutorial of our choice to make something else using Shadergraph. I made a dissolve effect. 

Then we were tasked to add lighting to our scene from last week, both baked and real-time, in places we think they would fit.  

Street Light by Quaternius via Poly Pizza

Using a spotlight attached to my model, I also made an early access horror game. 

looks like fun

Finally, we were asked to make a custom Shadergraph. I made several bad ones in place of one good one:

That's all for this week!

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