Week 4

Week 4 made this project less of an experiment and more of a playable game. 

First we had to make enemies spawn on command, wherever the player clicked. 

Then we had to make them move towards the player, following the invisible mesh path we'd placed all over the mountain range. 

(and give them a walking and idle animation, though they like to be in motion at all times.)

They have a tendency to slide sideways towards the player due to the incorrect rotation of the model when I initially exported it, something I neglected to fix. 

The self study is where this unique collection of features turned into a playable (if simple) game. 

Now that we had enemies that could be summoned on request, we had to make them spawn without prompting. 

This did not go well. 

But once it was all fixed up, enemies could be summoned automatically. 

Finally, we added a health system and the game was complete!

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